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Better than I ever imagined. Liposuction after 2 pregnancies

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Valoración de sledard1000:

5 star treatment with 5 star results!! I am beyond pleased with my experience with Dr.Zuccardi. 13 days ago he performed laser assisted liposuction on my abdomen, flanks and upper inner thigh. The process was smooth and the recovery has been quite easy and quick. I already see a huge difference in my before and after and I know it will only get better as I recover. I loved the attention that he gave and he always made sure to make me feel safe and secure. He clearly described the steps and what to expect and I felt completely safe in his care. This was my first time going under general anesthesia and I had complete confidence in Dr. Zuccardi and his team.
27 nov 2020 · Actualización: 9 oct 2023

6 weeks after laser assited lipo.

I am 6 weeks post op and I am so pleased with my results. I travelled recently and was unable to do my massages for about 1 and a half weeks and boy did I see a difference. I was quite swollen and a bit concerned but after my massage swelling went right down. I had a few hard lumps on my right side and after ultracavitation it is almost completely gone.


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30 oct 2020 · Actualización: 9 oct 2023

Better than I ever imagined. Liposuction after 2 pregnancies

I am 44 years old and after 2 pregnancies my abdominal region never quite was the same. I lead a very healthy lifestyle and considered my self in great physical condition but my small tummy and flaccid skin always remained no matter what I did. I tried various nonsurgical treatments but nothing helped.

Finally I decided to consult with Dr. Zuccardi to see what my options were. He always made me feel comfortable and cared for and his level of professionalism is exemplory. He explained what he procedure he thought would be best but he always kept my expectations realistic. The hospital was top notch and I was impressed by his surgical team. Dr. Zuccardi was always available to answer any question or any doubt at any moment and this was priceless to me.

I am currently 13 days post operation and my recovery has been pain free and quick. Day 1 post op I could already see the vast improvements and it will only improve in the upcoming months.

I highly recommend Dr. Zuccardi and his team. I am uploading a few before and after pictures, again I am less than two weeks post op and the results are incredible even with the swelling.


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